Big Rock Quarry – Hydrology & Hydraulics Study

Los Angeles County, CA

Key Project Staff

Joseph S.C. Bonadiman, P.E. – Project Engineer
Edward J. Bonadiman, P.L.S. – Survey Manager
Dennis W. Jackson, P.E. – Senior Water Resources Engineer

Project Description

JBA prepared a Hydrology & Hydraulics Study for a proposed quarry near the Big
Rock Wash and Pearblossom Highway in Los Angeles County, CA. The Study had
to consider several factors, including the Big Rock Wash itself, existing levees and
proposed California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) improvements.

JBA performed all applicable Rational Hydrology Method calculations using its in-house LAR04 (F0608) L.A. County Modified Rational Method software application. These calculations were subsequently used in the design of mitigation measures, including multiple flood control basins to be located near the boundary lines of the project site.


Lilburn Corporation

Project Location
Los Angeles County, CA