Alternative Energy Civil Engineering Services
JBA has a firm commitment to alternative energy projects. In the last decade, we have lent our expertise to the development of solar fields, wind generation facilities, hydro generation systems, cogeneration systems, waste-heat-boiler systems, and Biosolids-to-Energy (B2E) facilities.JBA has a firm commitment to alternative energy projects. In the last decade, we have lent our expertise to the development of solar fields, wind generation facilities, hydro generation systems, cogeneration systems, waste-heat-boiler systems, and Biosolids-to-Energy (B2E) facilities.
In the last four years, we have directly or indirectly provided Civil Engineering and Land Surveying services to clients such as NRG Energy, eSolar, First Solar, U.S. Solar, Amonix, Sunpower, and Tessera Solar (among others) for large-scale solar generating station sites in the Southwestern United States.
These projects include a 92 Megawatt (MW) solar in the field in Los Angeles County, CA, a 22 MW solar field in Riverside County, CA, a 20 MW solar field in San Diego, CA, and a 20 MW solar field in New Mexico, among others.
Our services for these projects have included site layout and design, grading, field, and aerial topographic surveys, ALTA’s, Records of Survey, construction staking, hydrology studies & drainage analysis, floodplain modeling, water quality documents, cost estimates, applications/permits coordination, and project/bid management.
In addition, we have provided clients with preliminary site research/investigations and “fatal flaw” analyses for dozens of potential solar sites in California, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico.
These recent projects have given us unparalleled experience in the challenges and considerations unique to each of the major solar technologies included Concentrating Solar Power (CSP), fixed and tracking photovoltaic (P.V.), Concentrating Photovoltaic (CPV) units, and Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) units.
We believe these projects demonstrate our long-term commitment to innovative technologies that promise a brighter, cleaner future.
Primary Services
Planning Phase Services
Alternative Energy project agency approval and acquisition of entitlements/permits generally requires the preparation of an overall application package, which typically includes (but is not limited to) the following:
- Topographic base mapping, including the location of existing monuments, boundaries, utilities, street centerlines and right-of-way, drainage improvements, and other features. For large projects, aerial surveys are provided in lieu of field activities. Existing record maps and legal documents are also incorporated as needed.
- Preliminary grading and drainage, the preliminary layout of utilities, and proposed access (including emergency/fire access).
- Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan (P-WQMP) preparation and identification of proposed post-construction Site Design, Source Control, and Treatment Control Best Management Practices (BMPs) in accordance with agency requirements.
- Preliminary Hydrology & Hydraulics Study prepared for the purpose of designing a Preliminary Drainage Plan for the mitigation of off-site and on-site runoff, including the preliminary design of proposed storm drains, channels, and/or basins. For projects located within existing FEMA floodplains and/or alluvial fans, preliminary floodplain simulations/modeling and analyses and preparation of FEMA Letter of Map Revisions (LOMR’s) may also be required.
- Coordination with planning/environmental firms to assist them in addressing environmental impact issues and prepare Negative Declaration, Initial Study (IS), or Environmental Impact Report (EIR) documents, as required.
- Coordination with technology providers to incorporate preliminary site design and equipment layout considerations.
- Coordination with local agencies, including design review meeting attendance.
Design Phase Services
Final Alternative Energy project agency approval and permitting generally requires the preparation of all improvement plans and final design documents, which typically include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Records of Survey and ALTA preparation.
- Improvement plans preparation, including precise grading and drainage, utility plans (water, sewer, storm, etc.), street improvement plans, lighting plans, erosion control plans, and detail sheets.
- Final Water Quality Management Plan (F-WQMP) preparation and identification of proposed post-construction Site Design, Source Control, and Treatment Control Best Management Practices (BMPs) in accordance with agency requirements.
- Final Hydrology & Hydraulics Study preparation, including a final Drainage Plan for the mitigation of off-site and on-site runoff and final design of proposed storm drains, channels, and/or basins. Detailed hydraulic analyses are also prepared as-needed. For projects located within existing FEMA floodplains and/or alluvial fans, final floodplain simulations/modeling and analyses and preparation of FEMA Conditional Letter of Map Revisions (CLOMR’s) may also be required.
- Coordination with technology providers to incorporate final site design and equipment layout considerations.
- Preparation of construction cost estimates.
- Coordination with agencies on an as-needed basis.
Construction Phase & Post-Construction Services
Alternative Energy project construction phase services offered by JBA include construction staking (for slopes and drainage improvements, street curb, and gutter, all on-site/off-site “wet” and “dry” utilities, etc.) and the preparation of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) and associated Best Management Practices (BMPs) for construction activities. JBA also provides revisions to improvement plans as-needed based on changes made by contractors in the field. Post-construction services include “as-built” surveys and the subsequent preparation of “as-built” plans to be filed with local agencies.
Project and/or Construction Management
If requested by the client, JBA provides Project Management and/or Construction Management services for Alternative Energy projects, including (but not limited to) management and coordination of all subcontractors, cost/budget management, and project scheduling, progress tracking, and general documentation.
Site Scoping & Preliminary “Fatal Flaw” Analyses
JBA has the full capabilities to perform preliminary site/property scoping for potential Alternative Energy project locations, utilizing available Geographic Information System (GIS) data to prepare preliminary “Fatal Flaw” Analyses for properties of interest to inform our clients of major ownership, drainage, flood, environmental, access, easement, or permitting issues with the potential to impact the site in question.
1817 Aston Avenue, # 104
Carlsbad, CA 92008
(760) 710-2150
1015 West Hays Street
Boise, ID 83702
1709 Apollo Court
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Project Manager
(562) 200-7700
3355 West Empire Avenue, Suite 200
Burbank, CA 91504
Project Manager
(818) 303-9567
to Modern Alloys, Inc)
350 West Washington Street, Suite 600
Temple, AZ 85281
P.O. Box 1611
Colton, CA 92324
(909) 910-0520